Monday, September 24, 2007

First things First~Today is ASTA'S BIG Day

Free Clipart

Here is a couple of songs for you in honor of your ONE year barkday!

All MY Golden Love
Sir Chancelot

p.s. To Everydog that wonder how it went this weekend at my first ever doggie kennel sleepover, I will bark you all about it later, right now I have to get my cowboy stuff together and get ready for Asta's BIG Bark day party!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh my dog, I loved the videos!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

SirChanceaka Sir Bacon
Thank you fwom the bottom of my one yeaw old heawt!!!! I loved the videos..I made Mommi play them ovew and ovew again!
I'm so glad youWe safely back!
I'll see you at the pawty!
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Awesome videos, Chance! I'm dying to hear how it went at camp!
See you at the pawty!

Love ya lots,