Phew...lots of work the last few days, but I am happy to report that ALL the birdie babies got out with no"incident" shall we call it. I am feeling a bit blue about them all being gone, I kinda miss them, but they are close by, cause we hear them and see them fly around.
Mamma said that maybe next spring these babies might have THEIR babies in the same birdie house. So I have already put my "guard" services to their disposal should they need me..:O)
Right now I am glad that there probably will not be any more babies on my porch till next spring, cause I need some rest.

Okay whats new?
Mamma and I are still trying to figure out this cafe press thingy. Not sure why it is taking her so darn long, but there seem to be a lot of legal stuff involved, like copy rights and stuff like that. Some of the pictures she has made in the past, has involved some "source" images that was not taken by her with her camera, so she cannot put them in cafe press. We are busy every day now looking for Source pictures that allows us to alter the image
and then sell it.
One option is to just take our camera and go out and take all our own photography to use as source images, but that also takes alot of time. I don't understand it all, and it makes my head swim..I guess bottom line is, we have to start from scratch, because most of our images are also not big enough to print out in good enough quality to put on things like t-shirts, and stuff like that.
This leads me to ask all you doggies that might have dreamt at one point or another about being or becoming a model. We are looking for models for our pictures, and if you are interested you can be one of our models that will be featured in cafe press once it is set up.
Unfortunately at this point, we cannot offer monetary compensation, BUT you get ALL bragging rights, and of course might even become famous ( well that's what mamma is hoping for)
Sooo, if you are a dog,cat,hamster,bird,fish, or any other kind of animal, that would allow us to use your picture in one of our pictures, please send full bodied images of your self to:
The bigger the image the better