I justed wanted to write a quick message~this is Hanne, Sir Chance-Lot's mamma.
We arrived in maine and we are having a great time, BUT we miss Chance terribly.
We Do however know he is doing very well at Nanoook and Pooka's house. I can't wait till Nessa
posts some pictures of him.
Hope everyone are well. We are so so so sorry about Oscar.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
BubbleBath makes a dog smell good
I am in the middle of last minute preparations for my trip to Pooka and Nanook's house.
Yes I give myself baths..strange you say..well not really when a dog loves water as much as I do..hehe. I only need help from mamma to add the Melaleuca dog shampoo into the bath and I do the rest. I want to make sure I smell really good, so I get lots of kisses and hugs when Im there!! I am all packed up, I even got a few pressies for Nook and Pooka to show my gratitude..Bark! Oh and here take a look, proof is in the pudding!

Tailwaggins and bubbles...;O))
Sir Chance-Lot
Oh and lastly ~ I think I figured out how to give you guys the code to the pressie store~just incase you feel it is right to carry it on your dogblog:O)
Just copy all the text in this box, then paste it in to your sidebar. You have to do it through adding a page element, then the html-java option I think.
(Thank You)
Yes I give myself baths..strange you say..well not really when a dog loves water as much as I do..hehe. I only need help from mamma to add the Melaleuca dog shampoo into the bath and I do the rest. I want to make sure I smell really good, so I get lots of kisses and hugs when Im there!! I am all packed up, I even got a few pressies for Nook and Pooka to show my gratitude..Bark! Oh and here take a look, proof is in the pudding!
Tailwaggins and bubbles...;O))
Sir Chance-Lot
Oh and lastly ~ I think I figured out how to give you guys the code to the pressie store~just incase you feel it is right to carry it on your dogblog:O)
Just copy all the text in this box, then paste it in to your sidebar. You have to do it through adding a page element, then the html-java option I think.
(Thank You)
Mamma is hopping up and Down
It is an exciting day here~*Someone* made an order in the pressie store!!!
The very first order EVER. Mamma is very excited.
The FIRST order in the pressie store ever goes to
The very first order EVER. Mamma is very excited.
The FIRST order in the pressie store ever goes to
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Hello All Friends
Well, the day is growing near, when I am going to Nook and Pook's house. I am going tomorrow night, and I am a little sad and excited too.
BUT I will be blogging a little bit, mamma told me she can help me from Maine.
We were wondering how you doggies felt about maybe putting the cafe pressie blinkie thing/icon on your blogs? I guess the more exposure it gets the better, and all "exposure" has to be done by us. That means we have to be seen alot.
Let me know how you Dawgs feel about that, and I can send you the code via email if you provide the address.
Thank you very much~Tailwaggins from
Sir Chance-Lot
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
This is a message for all the Doggie mammas and pappas~And Doogies. There is one exercise, I call the "Doogie Pant" Check it out~And all this time You mamma's and Pappa's thought we were just Hot...Heh..when all along we were really just doing the Kundalini Doga
Now I am really going to sleep~cause mamma and I just did our Doga and I am tuckered out.:O)By the way,"Gurmukh" is 58 years old
Sir Chance-Lot
Now I am really going to sleep~cause mamma and I just did our Doga and I am tuckered out.:O)By the way,"Gurmukh" is 58 years old
Sir Chance-Lot
The Cafe Pressie Shop
`Is coming along`
If you have not been in a couple of days~please stop by and visit, and let me know what you think :O)
If you have not been in a couple of days~please stop by and visit, and let me know what you think :O)
Our Pressie Shop
So Today I was sort of bored, mamma was a little sunburned from floating in the pool
a little bit yesterday, and I was too, because I was floating in there too~And My head got all hot, from too much sun, so this morning, mamma told me that we had to take it easy, cause it was a very sunny day here again.
As you can see, we worked hard on the pressie shop, and got a lot more done.
Just a quick barkup dawgs, Come Friday, unbelievably, My family is driving me to Nanook and Pooka's house ~dropping me off, and heads to Maine for a couple of weeks. They do this every year~and sadly for me, where they go wont allow dogs. Well I am not too sad, I get to stay with Aunt Vanessa, Uncle Sandy, and my cousins, Pook and Nook.
I will miss them horribly though~I do know that.
Mamma has promised to send pics often, and she is bringing the camera and the laptop, so
she will be able to help once in a while with some blogs on my behalf~cause I doubt strongly that Nook will let me blog on his computer~cause he is completely Obsessed with it.
Maybe If I begged Aunt Nessa......maybe she'll help me take some pics and post them on Nooks blog...
Until tomorrow
Tailwaggins and GoodNight
Sir Chance-Lot

a little bit yesterday, and I was too, because I was floating in there too~And My head got all hot, from too much sun, so this morning, mamma told me that we had to take it easy, cause it was a very sunny day here again.
As you can see, we worked hard on the pressie shop, and got a lot more done.
Just a quick barkup dawgs, Come Friday, unbelievably, My family is driving me to Nanook and Pooka's house ~dropping me off, and heads to Maine for a couple of weeks. They do this every year~and sadly for me, where they go wont allow dogs. Well I am not too sad, I get to stay with Aunt Vanessa, Uncle Sandy, and my cousins, Pook and Nook.
I will miss them horribly though~I do know that.
Mamma has promised to send pics often, and she is bringing the camera and the laptop, so
she will be able to help once in a while with some blogs on my behalf~cause I doubt strongly that Nook will let me blog on his computer~cause he is completely Obsessed with it.
Maybe If I begged Aunt Nessa......maybe she'll help me take some pics and post them on Nooks blog...
Until tomorrow
Tailwaggins and GoodNight
Sir Chance-Lot
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Thank You for your always kind remarks
You guys are making my mamma's head a Little too big...hehe. What wonderful supportive doggies you are, and how lucky I am to have you flow through my life...ohoh...now I am getting a little teary~Usually it's just mamma that gets all watery eyes..well I guess they say ~The apple does not fall far from the tree~. Mamma and I had a whole lecture discussion on that subject not long ago. Now I thought that saying meant that the apple had to be hanging ON the tree at some point~Be born of the tree, but that is not always the case. Sometimes apples are born on a different tree, and "roll" away and into the path of another tree, similar to us puppies that come to live with our human families. It simply means that the "tree" has a responsibility to teach and guide the apples with gentle tenderness and respect, to be the best and happiest apples they can be, to love and protect other apples, and to cherish earth and all living life on it, and to realize that this breath of life is a smörgåsbord of Beauty and wonder.

It is the tree's cosmic responsibility to help the apples chose to experience/SEE all the beauty in the world, rather then all the ugliness~to teach the apples that it is IS ones thoughts that create ones reality "what is in your mind becomes your reality/life" If each apple learned this,then there would be no more ugliness.. or atleast thats what mamma thinks. So I guess the moral of this story is to
Focus on everything Beautiful~see the incredible beauty in a water droplet or a blade of grass.

It is the tree's cosmic responsibility to help the apples chose to experience/SEE all the beauty in the world, rather then all the ugliness~to teach the apples that it is IS ones thoughts that create ones reality "what is in your mind becomes your reality/life" If each apple learned this,then there would be no more ugliness.. or atleast thats what mamma thinks. So I guess the moral of this story is to
Focus on everything Beautiful~see the incredible beauty in a water droplet or a blade of grass.
Friday, July 20, 2007
So tonight...

Mamma and I went outside to do our evening walk, and spend quality time, this means I watch HER take pictures of tiny things. The light was according to her "just" right. She has been waiting to get this shot of a raindrop to use for my bestest friend Ruby Bleu. It had to be the right light to make it look a little bit like "bleu" ice. Or "liquid Ice" is what mamma calls it. Now if it is "liquid" how can it be ice....hm/
Well judge for yourself, it kind of is the perfect "spot" for Ruby Bleu to rest!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Look what I encountered today
On the smallest blade of grass imaginable (You would not be able to see this with the naked eye, they were so tiny, I used the 5*times life size macro lens) They were frozen there in time, gone on to the next plane of reality
SugarPlum Sweetness just for Precious

It might be raining too much here now..Mamma wont go to bed, and now I am getting a little tired..I need to learn to to think before I speak...hehe, because now she is on a roll..well just as well,
Precious has been needing a pressie from me for a while.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Huskeeboy in the Macro World
Maybe It will rain tomorrow too, then, maybe My sweet friend Precious will get a picture too~Cross your paws Precious ~ 
Here he is HuskeeBoy in uncharted terrotories
Sir Chance-Lot

Here he is HuskeeBoy in uncharted terrotories

Sir Chance-Lot
Here she is
A collection of Friends
Hi Friends, some of the images in the slides are now showcased in the pressie store, and we are working on the rest of them as well as some new ones, like one of Asta, and a new one of Ruby and Suki. It is raining here today, so maybe mamma will get something done, instead of being outside taking pictures..!

Tailwaggins and Love
Sir Chance-Lot
Tailwaggins and Love
Sir Chance-Lot
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
For ALL my wonderful Friends
*Please pause the player on bottom of the page before clicking on Play:O)
To All you Dawgs Out there, You make me feel so wonderful~From the bottom of my bottomless heart ~Thank You
TailWaggins From Sir Chance-Lot

FootNote to All the Dog Mom's and dad's out there from Hanne~Sir Chance-Lot's Mamma
Thank you for your wonderful friendships~I am humbled by your wonderful lights!

To All you Dawgs Out there, You make me feel so wonderful~From the bottom of my bottomless heart ~Thank You
TailWaggins From Sir Chance-Lot
FootNote to All the Dog Mom's and dad's out there from Hanne~Sir Chance-Lot's Mamma
Thank you for your wonderful friendships~I am humbled by your wonderful lights!
I can't belive it..
Yesterday, I received another Birthdaypressie all the way from Singapore, from my friend Precious.

Here I am,checking stuff out..Mmmmm I smell snackies
Oooooo..I think I smell a ball
Look at all this.
I got some chicken snack that tasted soo good,
and some green burpy snacks, that was gone in a blink of Mamma's eye

Adn a Great Ball that was yellow and black...Awww Precious..Look how happy you made me..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Here I am,checking stuff out..Mmmmm I smell snackies
Oooooo..I think I smell a ball
Look at all this.
Adn a Great Ball that was yellow and black...Awww Precious..Look how happy you made me..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
I was tagged by Gus to show some smiles~Here Goes Gus
This one was right after I got the pressie from Ruby Blue
This one was right after I got the pressie from Ruby Blue
I did make rounds earlier today to everyones bloggies, and saw LOTS of wonderful beautiful smiling Doggies, but my mamma has been hogging the computer for her "pressie~store"
work, so I barely even got on now, while she is taking a shower
Click on this
B A R K It O U T
Tell us what you think of it
(Still under construction, and guess it will be a Process, but mamma has been staying up till 2-3 am every morning working on it, so maybe will be ready soon?)
Tailwaggins and Love
Sir Chance~Lot
Thursday, July 12, 2007
A tribute to our Beloved ~Gimini Cricket~
(I am going to let Mamma tell you about this , cause I just start crying and then I can't get my paws to type. I am not a big "nother'Doggie" Lover, but Gimini was there from I was a little baby, and I loved him)
This is Hanne, Sir Chance-Lot's mamma.
In February of this year, our 18 year Beloved little jack Russel Terrier

was ready and said goodbye, to go on to The RainBow Bridge.
It was, as I am sure all of both the doggies and doggie moms and dads out there can identify, one of the most difficult days in our lives. This little dog was with me almost from the the time I came to the USA, and my best friend and "shadow".
I always felt something real special around Gimini,something almost airy, and was extremely fond of him.
2-3 days after he had gone, Nanook and Pooka's mamma and Pappa went skiing in Colorado, and we had promised to have Nanook here while they were gone.
The day after Nanook came ( this was before Pooka came to live with Vanessa and Sandy)Chance and Nanook was outside playing soccer, and it was a snowy cold evening, like 5 pm ish in the middle of February. I pr. usual had my camera outside, in case something interesting happened, and took a few shoots of them playing and chasing the soccer ball together. Nanook tires sooner than Chance, and laid down in the snow to rest after awhile, and I snapped a couple of shoots of him. This was the first one I took, and Yes it was that dusky outside

The Second one, that I snapped of him, was this one

When I came inside and downloaded the photos and saw this image where there should have been an image of Nanook , I just KNEW it was Gimini ,trying to tell me he was okay and maybe was missing us a bit, as I miss him terribly and extremely much so that day as it was only 3 days after he had left, and we all felt a big gaping hole in our family from his absence.
As we all know, Energy cannot Die, no matter what you do to it, and ALL LIFE is indeed such energy and light.
Our Bodies are simply just a ~shell~ we walk away from, when it has stopped serving us.
I wanted to share this with all of you, dogs and friends alike, and especially with Asta in NY and her mamma and Pappa, as they just had a one year anniversary of their little friend Nora's departure to the Rainbow Bridge.
Love and Hugz to All
~Begin today~ No matter how feeble the light~ let it shine as best it may~The world may need just that quality of light which YOU have~
P.S. This is SCL again...I hope you all have had time to see Mr.Robin Williams movie ~What D R E A M S may come~
cause that really helped me understand the Rainbow Bridge and All about it better :O)
Oh it is a BEAUTIFUL day here today, bet Maggie is cooler today too...Eh...Maggie?
Smoochies and Tailwaggins
(I am going to let Mamma tell you about this , cause I just start crying and then I can't get my paws to type. I am not a big "nother'Doggie" Lover, but Gimini was there from I was a little baby, and I loved him)
This is Hanne, Sir Chance-Lot's mamma.
In February of this year, our 18 year Beloved little jack Russel Terrier
"Gimini Cricket"
was ready and said goodbye, to go on to The RainBow Bridge.
It was, as I am sure all of both the doggies and doggie moms and dads out there can identify, one of the most difficult days in our lives. This little dog was with me almost from the the time I came to the USA, and my best friend and "shadow".
I always felt something real special around Gimini,something almost airy, and was extremely fond of him.
2-3 days after he had gone, Nanook and Pooka's mamma and Pappa went skiing in Colorado, and we had promised to have Nanook here while they were gone.
The day after Nanook came ( this was before Pooka came to live with Vanessa and Sandy)Chance and Nanook was outside playing soccer, and it was a snowy cold evening, like 5 pm ish in the middle of February. I pr. usual had my camera outside, in case something interesting happened, and took a few shoots of them playing and chasing the soccer ball together. Nanook tires sooner than Chance, and laid down in the snow to rest after awhile, and I snapped a couple of shoots of him. This was the first one I took, and Yes it was that dusky outside
The Second one, that I snapped of him, was this one
When I came inside and downloaded the photos and saw this image where there should have been an image of Nanook , I just KNEW it was Gimini ,trying to tell me he was okay and maybe was missing us a bit, as I miss him terribly and extremely much so that day as it was only 3 days after he had left, and we all felt a big gaping hole in our family from his absence.
As we all know, Energy cannot Die, no matter what you do to it, and ALL LIFE is indeed such energy and light.
Our Bodies are simply just a ~shell~ we walk away from, when it has stopped serving us.
I wanted to share this with all of you, dogs and friends alike, and especially with Asta in NY and her mamma and Pappa, as they just had a one year anniversary of their little friend Nora's departure to the Rainbow Bridge.
Love and Hugz to All
~Begin today~ No matter how feeble the light~ let it shine as best it may~The world may need just that quality of light which YOU have~
P.S. This is SCL again...I hope you all have had time to see Mr.Robin Williams movie ~What D R E A M S may come~
cause that really helped me understand the Rainbow Bridge and All about it better :O)
Oh it is a BEAUTIFUL day here today, bet Maggie is cooler today too...Eh...Maggie?
Smoochies and Tailwaggins
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
~A Taste~
A rainy hello from Connecticut. Check it out dawgs
See Ruby Blue on that greeting card..She Looks GOOD on that!

And here is Butchy and Snickers~Boy they look like they are born to grace greeting cards..hehe

Oh and look at Maggie on the t-shirt, alittle small but mamma said she might be able to fix

I asked why only a few friends are in our pressie store so far, and mamma said that it is very time consuming and she is very clueless about the way things work in there still. Everyone will have a spot in there, but it might take some time.
Also the page layout is a cafe pressie Template, and temporary. We just have to figure out how to write the html for the page and still stay within the cafe press "boundaries"
Here is the URL for the Pressie store
See Ruby Blue on that greeting card..She Looks GOOD on that!

And here is Butchy and Snickers~Boy they look like they are born to grace greeting cards..hehe

Oh and look at Maggie on the t-shirt, alittle small but mamma said she might be able to fix

I asked why only a few friends are in our pressie store so far, and mamma said that it is very time consuming and she is very clueless about the way things work in there still. Everyone will have a spot in there, but it might take some time.
Also the page layout is a cafe pressie Template, and temporary. We just have to figure out how to write the html for the page and still stay within the cafe press "boundaries"
Here is the URL for the Pressie store
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