Snow Snow Snow as far as you can see ~~

My pass time as you all know used to be chasing balls..
well..I have had to readjust my habits and come up with new play ideas
After Mamma and I build that Igloo~ I have been trying to do one on my own...

I think I have a natural talent...oh AND a cute Butt ;)

I dug this so deep that only my tail was sticking out..but silly Mamma's camera ran out of battery, so she did not get a shot of that..( I need to hire another photographer.. mamma is no good)

I like to call this " Frozen Sunset"

Sputnik out for a evening stroll~ wondering where the mice could possibly be hiding in all this snow ;)

Mamma and I made cup cakes when we came inside and
Pasta Bolognese'... my favorite... ♥ ℒℴνℯ ♥

All my Golden Love Dawgs~ Keep Spring in your hearts and
♥ ℒℴνℯ ♥
in your every breath
Sir Chance@LoveAlot