Saturday, June 30, 2007

Oh My Barkness

I could not believe my eyes.
Out from far away in a state of heavy sleep, I hear the door bell ringing,and who but our mailman is outside the door with a ...hold your breathe....a PRESSIE for ME

Ofcourse I did not know it was for me until mamma, took the box and placed it on the floor, and said "Chance...guess what, your very good blog friend Ruby, sent you a barkday pressie, and it is in that box. That box is Yours Chance"I just stood there for a moment ....disbelieving, and then it hit me...For ME...are you serious...really for me? I have of course seen other doggies here in dogswithblogs get pressies, but not in my wildest dreams did I think it was going to happend to me. Oh Ruby, how can I thank You?
Mamma said, "maybe you should make a slide show of you opening the box, and how excited you were,and then share it with Ruby, would that be nice?"
So here goes Ruby~I selected a "silent movie" show, because mamma says that my facial expressions and the way I walk sometimes reminds her of Charlie Chaplin and the silent movie era.

Ruby, smoochie kisses to you forever. You can kiss my BIG nose anytime!!
Humbled by your love and friendship
Sir Chance-Lot


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Chance...
I'm so happy you got your prezzie box...yay!!! Sorry it's a little late...but late or not getting a prezzie is the bestest!!!

I'm so happy you liked everything and I L*O*V*E the slide show...that was SOOOO cool!

Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby

Dandy Duke said...

Loved the slide show Chance! Mom buys us Newman heart-shaped cookies too! They're VERY yummy! Ruby is a sweetie and a great shopper!

Love ya lots,

The Brat Pack said...

Great slide show! That's a great present you got!!

The Brat Pack

Joe Stains said...

your movie was fabulous, the suspense was killing us!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

What a classy slide show, and what a lucky boy you are!

Oscar x

Amber-Mae said...

The silent movie was AWESOME! You remind me of Charlie Chaplin too... Hehehe! Those pressies are really nice. You got a tennis ball attached with string too, cool man! I hope you love them all even the cookies!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley said...


Congratulations on your barkday! Ruby is a one sweet pupgirl! Glad you like the prezzies.

Your slide show is amazingly cool!

Goob love,