Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here we go..the campaign continues

First and foremost, Thank you Thank you, to all my friends, for voting for me
I am humbled by your loyalty and friendships!!
This will be my Campaign Motto

Mamma told me that red is a

Campaigning kinda color..hehe. Okay.. so I thought

I would just add a couple of pictures of my tail ,I am not sure that it will have any kind of bearing on the outcome of this, but the way I figure it wont hurt, as you can see, my tail is well....something els!

(also Asta had a post not long ago about showing off our tails, so I am smoshing two flies with one flap of a tail..hehe)

I also wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate all the other dawgs on their nominations, and wish them the best of luck..

If you have not had a chance to vote yet, just click below

Click here to Vote

Tailwags and Golden Gorgeousness
Sir Didn't sleeplastnight~Alot
Maggie and Mitch extremely good friends
awarded me this award today too..I am kinda speechless
Thank you VERY much M&M
I guess how this works is that if you get an award like
this, you can also give it to someone els,
so I give this award to


I WAnTeD tO SPeCiAlLY WiSh mY COuSiN nANnOK ThE bEsT oF LuCK iN hIS nOMinATioN fOR beST bLOg oF tHE MoNTH (even though it would kill me if he won...UGH..hehe)


Lacy said...

woofies sir chance, me agrees wif butchy n snickers, u dose gots a fluffy will get mama to take a pictur of me tail soon..congratulashuns on ur award,,u deserve it..

b safe,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Chance, congrats on your award, you truly deserve it. And thanks sooooo much for passing it onto me, I'm touched. J x

Asta said...

I am awswuck!!
Thank you sop vewy much fow the awawd!! I KNOW YOU desewve it fow suwe! You have done so much to pwomote peace and the health of ouw planet and all who awe in it..thank you!!!!
Youw tail is quite amazingly bootiful!!!!!!!!
I'm sowwy you didn't get to sneep last night..I hope you get good west today!
smoochie kisses

Emily and Ike said...

Congrats on the award. Your blog is truly awesome.

Duke said...

There is no one who deserves the award more than you do, Chance! You do so much for so many!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Congrats! You certainly deserve it!!

Stanley said...

Hey, Chancey!

Love your campaign slogan. It's SO YOU!

Your mama is right ~ red is a very happy and campaigning type of color.

Your tail is ... well frankly, it's AMAZINGLY full and fluffy! Wave it proudly, buddy.

Goober love,

pee ess
Congratulations on your award!

i said...

Congrats! An award well deserved!

That's one nice and fluffy tail you have there!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Chance,
Congrats on the nomination and I have cast my vote already... (of course I voted for you!) pssst.. you do have a very nice tail!

Amber-Mae said...

Chance, your tail is gorgeous! I wish my tail was like yours too. My fur is dull & dry & now I'm shedding like hell!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby Bleu said...

What great pictures of your tail. I just LOVE your tail!!! I bet it is really soft too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! I spilled coffee on my keyboard on Friday and fried it - now that I'm up and running again I am off to vote. And I am SO excited that you two saw a coyote on your walk the other day! (I, too, love Susan Seddon Boulet's artwork. She gets the spirit onto the page...) xo Shreve & Charlie

The WriggleButts said...

Hei! Var så moro å få kommentar på norsk! :) Vi har kost oss med bloggen din!

Rumpevrikkerene/the WriggleButts

Bajas, Coco & Nimbus