Saturday, November 17, 2007

Holy Dogs..............

I am sooo excited...Amber and a couple of other dawgs nominated MY blog for
"Blog of the Month" award...I am sooo honored!!!
Thank you Amber and Thank you to the other dawgs that voted for me. One I don't even know...YET!
Mamma is also extremely proud, and can't believe it!
I feel a little weird asking...but p l e a s e vote for me
Thank you Very Much...

Click here to Vote

Sir Ifeelsohonoredtobenominated~Alot

P.S. I don't feel very good about that picture and what it says,
but mamma said that this is the way things are done in politics!
YIKES...(just between you and I Dawgs...I'd give you bacon tree seeds regardless of your votes..
just because I love you ALL.
Thank You for your consideration


Joe Stains said...

Hey we voted! Tanner is nominated for post of the month! VERY exciting stuff!

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Chancey, I was nominated too! But not for best blog. I was nominated for best photo and best post. There are so many great ones though. I have no idea if I can even begin to dream about winning, but I am. I am dreaming about bacon falling from the sky, and me rolling in bacon, and me eating bacon, and me becoming bacon. Mmmmmmmm, bacon. What were talking about again?

Duke said...

Of course we voted for our favorite Golden! Good luck, Chance!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

We are on it!! Love A+A

Lacy said...

woofies Sir Chance, u gotted my vote too...

b safe,

pp's me luvs bacon!!!!!! heehee

Asta said...

I wan and voted wight away..I wish I could vote mowe tha once!! you cewtainly desewve to win!
smoochie kisses
I kind of like the mystewious light in the pictoowe
did you see my film acting deboot?
smoochie kisses some mowe

Harry said...

Oooh, how exciting! We're off to vote.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Stanley said...

Chancey Boy!

You already got my vote, but I love the campaign poster your mama made. Tell her that I might need her on my staff in GooberStan. Maybe a cabinet post...

Goober love,

Bella said...

It's my pleaseure to vote for you Sir Chance-Lot you have a interesting and beautiful blog

Kirby said...

Hi Chance,

I voted for you buddy. Love your blog, it totally deserves to win!! Best of luck!

Your pal,

Koobuss said...

Congratulations on your nomination! Your blog is beautiful and so are you.

Koobuss Kisses,

Amber-Mae said...

Honey juicy tasty smelling bacon boy, I'm sooo glad I nominated YOU coz you really deserved to be nominated! Your blog is just wonderful & all the bootiful artworks your mamma has done really makes my jaw drop al the way to the ground. I really mean it! She's very artistic & you are a lovely doggy. We're so glad to be your friend Chance...You are definitely ahead of the competition! Oh, I voted for you too *wink*

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey...congrats Chancey. Such a tough month with Nook & Pook nominated too! All you pups are so deserving!!! Good Luck!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, congrats on your DWB nomination. It must be tough being up against your pals Nanook & Pooka. You get my vote! J x