Hello EveryDog
This is my Christmas tree outside my house...Is it not beautiful, specially with
alot of snow on it, which we got today, and we are suppose to get ALOT more on Saturday!!
This is my Christmas tree outside my house...Is it not beautiful, specially with
alot of snow on it, which we got today, and we are suppose to get ALOT more on Saturday!!
Do you remember that outside my house~we have maybe some "cosmic" energy...
like at Halloween and the full moon night...remember.... and when Gimini Cricket went to rainbow bridge??
Well here we go again...I did nothing different I just stood there on the porch with mammas camera (Canon Rebel) and I did not move or click anything different and then this happens...
that is so bootiful chance. stay warm with all that snow!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I think youw twee outside is vewy bootiful and it cewtainly has magic...I got 0 snow and lots of icy wain..it's vewy sad looking awound hewe..I can just go out to the bathwoom and that's all.sighhhhh
smoochie kisses
Oh what a lovely tree with all the snow glistening on them!
oh that is so pretty.
Simba xx
Woow, it's boootiful!!!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What a beautiful tree, Chance! Isn't the snow just so much fun!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
The tree looks bootiful for us...we never have snow here. I wonder how it taste...hehe
OMDOG that is creepy, don't go out alone at night ok?
Chance Man!
Your Christmas tree is gorgeous, especially because it is outside. Your photo does seem to have picked up on something going on there at your house. It always looks and sounds like a magical place. Maybe your mama is responsible for attracting it all there... she seems pretty magical herself.
Goober love,
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