hello..I just wanted to share some pictures with you ...and this video that I think Asta's mom specially will love... as much as my mamma loves it..because, she is an artist..the song makes me howl..I really get into it..hehe
The movie is called:
Amedeo Modigliani--A passionate artist...starring Andy Garcia...
See how everything is colored red...even me...hehe....!
And here is another addition to my "Frozen Longing" series....I made the Tutu out of the ice on the flowers.....:O))
All My Golden Love Always
Sir Chancelot
Happy New Year! What lovely pictures!
We are supposed to be getting snow today. We'll see.
Simba xx
You be very handsome in the sunshine.
Cassidy x
What beautiful photos!
It's wickedly cold outside this morning, Chance. Mom says no walkies for us! Bummer!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Those are some lovely pictures! Chance, you're very gorgeous ya know & you have a very stalky body. Have you thought about going to dog shows? Maybe you'll have a chance to win...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
we just love all the pictures, but especially the last one!!
Youw photogwaphs awe magical..those colows and the ice and the ballewinas...wow!!!
Mommi loves Modigliani..she is sad cause she hasn't painted since last august, and she's still sweating and fweezing altewnately and feeling wotten....thank you fow the bootymy sweet Chance
smoochie kisses
My SweetestChance Bacon
I'm suwe youw Mama would nevew let you be in quawantine ow sit in the back in a cage on the plane..don't wowwy!! Thank you fow youw sweet wowds fwom you and youw Mama..I'm sowwy youw mom=rmor and morfar awen't hewe anymowe, but you'll all meet again someday and have a gweat celebwation!
smoochie kisses
Those were AMAZING photos... especially the ones where you showed up! Your mama is so talented!
Goober love,
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