`But we ARE still around, though we are waiting desperately for spring....We have spent a bit of time at Pooka and Nanook's house, which has been beautiful because I LOVE the ocean and the beach.
I just wanted to let you all know that I miss you...and I love you all....we are going through some big changes in our family..and maybe soon I will tell you ALL about it...Just know we are fine. Please dont forget me
My Dawling siwChance-
bacon..I could nevew fowget you!!!
You look bootiful by the sea..I hope you got lots of gweat wuns while you wewe thewe!
Guess what..I'm going to Wome with my pawent on Mawch31, till the 8th..it's fow theiw 33 amivewsawy..Daddi said life's too showt, and even if they have no money ..too bad, they'we going, heheh..can you believe it???
I don't speak italian xept fow food names, hehehe
smoochie kisses,Asta
we have missed you!! we have spring here already!!!
Your ocean picture is just beautiful!
We miss you lots, Chance!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Make the most of that gorgeous beach Sir Chance!
Toodle pip
Harry x
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