Thursday, April 9, 2009

~I love my mamma only mamma...I love her dearly till end of times..she is my mamma like nother mamma,and I dear you to take her away...grrr~

he he..I just wrote that song...hey who said a golden can't be on American idol...or Dances with the stars..have you seen some of my cousins DANCE???

You are silent now ...aren't you....

Sir Love Dancing alot


Golden Samantha said...

Ohh - so happy you posted that video! I have a link to that very "movie" on my FB page! LOL - I really love your blog. WOoF!

Duke said...

OMG, are you back to stay, Chance? We sure hope so!
It sounds like our moms watch the same TV shows!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tee said...

We at Dog Woods (there be NINE of us) would be more than thrilled to be voting you sir chance lot in the american idol!

Licks and Wags

TUffy of Dog Woods

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are back from our boat trip and dropping by to say hello and catch up with all the news.

Simba and Jazzi xx

i said...

You make a good songwriter, Chance! Great video!

Amber-Mae said...

We love our Mamas too! Nice song Chance.

Solid Gold Dancer