Saturday, June 6, 2009

Me bad ❥ ❥ ❥

Me bad and bad news~~

I was the lamp shade..
..Totally unfair..all I did was scratch a tiny bit~~
at my hotspots

The only thing that consoles me is the colors and fragrances
of our garden
I like to lie here and just try to * taste* the fragrances
Sometimes I try to hide my tennis balls in the flower
garden, but Mama says I have to stop doing that
because the flowers are so fragile and does not really like me
stepping on them to find my balls

Hope every dawg is enjoying a beautiful weekend
with lots of love...minus lamp shades

Sir LoveflowersAlot


Golden Samantha said...

Ooohhh Chance - so sorry you scratched and itched... I've had one of those awful thingamabobs round my neck - they are not fun - feel badly for you. The flowers are so gorgeous - don't know how I'd stay away from them! Hope it comes off soon!
Hugs xo

Duke said...

Bummer that you got the evil lampshade back, Chance! Life sure stinks sometimes, doesn't it?!
Your flowers are just beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch