Wednesday, September 2, 2009

There is still time ;)

Sir LoveCatStevensAlot


Asta said...

Siw Dawling Chance

I loved that so much,but mommi got all teawy
I'm going to go lick hew face now
smoochie kisses

i said...

That's such a touching song! Thanks for sharing it here.

Asta said...

Dawling Siw Chance love

I had no idea you knew's bootiful.
I'll be home soon fwom thewe and I'm suwe I'll be safe, but it would have been lovely to have you pwotecting me.
Pleez take cawe of youw Mommi and make suwe she gets well.
I hope thewe'll be some othew time soon to see hew
love and smoochie kisses