Snow Snow Snow as far as you can see ~~

My pass time as you all know used to be chasing balls..
well..I have had to readjust my habits and come up with new play ideas
After Mamma and I build that Igloo~ I have been trying to do one on my own...

I think I have a natural talent...oh AND a cute Butt ;)

I dug this so deep that only my tail was sticking out..but silly Mamma's camera ran out of battery, so she did not get a shot of that..( I need to hire another photographer.. mamma is no good)

I like to call this " Frozen Sunset"

Sputnik out for a evening stroll~ wondering where the mice could possibly be hiding in all this snow ;)

Mamma and I made cup cakes when we came inside and
Pasta Bolognese'... my favorite... ♥ ℒℴνℯ ♥
All my Golden Love Dawgs~ Keep Spring in your hearts and
♥ ℒℴνℯ ♥
in your every breath
Sir Chance@LoveAlot
That is just how our yard looks, Chance - huge snow mountains and icy lawns! Do you think we will ever see green again?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dawling SiwLove-a-lot
You have so many talents..youw big heawt the best of all, but I'm vewy impwessed by youw igloo building skills(thank you fow that photo of youw bootiful floofy bum bum)
I am keeping love and spwing in my heawt
smoochie kisses
Hey Chance-Lot! Remember me? How have you been?
Wow! That's a LOT of snow! I wish we had snow in Malaysia too. It's too hot over here.
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