Thursday, September 20, 2007

Im kinda in a blah mood

Today. I do not have any new pictures of me, cause mamma is in a blah mood too..yikes!
I made this mosaic yesterday or something and maybe you like to see it. It has some nice picture of my little pappa Cameron in it

I hope I will get out of my blahness later, but right now I just feel like sneeping in the sun!


Randi said...

Hello Sir Bacon! I hope you get out of your Blah-ness later...but that's OK..everyone has BLAH days! Sleeping in the sun is pawsitively the best solution!
Love & Licks,
PS..the collage was beautiful! you are so talented!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Chance...
My Mom is kinda blah too...but I'm working on trying to cheer her up. That's a great mosaic of your pappa!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

We all have our blah days! Absorbing the sun's rays helps to put it right, right?!

Love ya lots,

Simba and Jazzi said...

We all have days like that. Just go back to bed and wait for it to pass.

Simba xx

Asta said...

Hi SirBaconI hope youw Blah-mood passes soon, but lying in the sun is not a bad thing..Cameron is a cutie
smoochie kisses