And Me....
today when I was taking a bubble bath in
my pool. I shook my head a little...cause he was
tickling my nose

And he fell into the pool. I managed to
scoop him out of the water, and lay him down
on the ground so he could dry. But he did not move:O(
Mamma came over and blew on him to get
the soap and water off his *VERY* delicate wings
(please check out the picture of his wings above)
and then we put him in the sun on the porch.
But he still did not move at all.
Mamma told me to watch him but to not touch ONLY
blow warm gentle air on him.
To my great barks, after an hour of not moving all
of sudden he vibrated his wings and took off.
I was Sooo Happy...

Tailwags and Golden Hugs
Oh and I let mamma add her musings
its right under "about me"
Do you live in that big white antique house - the one with all the flowers out front? It's beautiful!
Tell your mom that we emailed her back, okay?
Love ya lots,
Sir Bacon
I am gwateful fow youw OMMMM duwing youw doga today, I think it helped cause Mommi and Daddi fowgave me...maybe you could ask youw Mommi to paint youw outdoow house a colow that you get to choose..aftew all it's youws..i'm suwe they would let you..those photogwafs awe bootiful..I'm so glad that the dwagonfly was able to get well and fly off
smoochie kisses
Hi Chance,
The scenery is so beautiful.. I wish I lived there too!! Autumn is really my favourite season...
Hi Sir Bacon! What wonderful pictures! & a dragon fly on your nose? I bet he just wanted to kiss you cuz you are so cute!
Love & Licks,
Hi Chance...
Yay the dragon fly is ok...yay!!! You helped get him all better!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
you were like a lifegaurd on baywatch saving that dragonfly!!
Oh that so nice to help the dragon fly blow his wings and let him fly away when he's ready.
Those are really nice photos
~ Girl girl
You could get a part in bay watch. Love the photos.
Simba xx
Awww, you & your mamma are really gentle with the Dragon Fly. I think my mommy will scream if she saw one! And me? I think I'll just eat it...hehehe! Oooops! The pictures are really gorgeous & I must say that Autumn is the most bootiful season in the world don't you think so?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Chance!
those are such awesome pictures.. we have a new camera but I think even with it my pawretns still take some lousy shots..
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