It is still early here, but I wanted to post this website that my mamma and I found yesterday.
It is a website that lets human and dogs, edit pictures very easy, without any downloads.
Check it out.
Maybe you need to tweak a few of your best shots...?
~The last of our strawberries~
Sir Chancelot~Sir Bacon
You mean even my Mummy can do it? Better check this out.
Simba xx
I was thinking the same thing, Simba! Something my computer dummy mom can handle???!!
Love ya lots,
Thanks for the tip, Chance. I'll get J1 to have a look. J x
Hi Sir Bacon!
That's cool - I'll have my mom check that out....Thanks for the tip!
Love & Licks,
That's for sharing that website. :) Those strawberries look yummy
~ Girl girl
I have picked you to recieve the I love your blog award
Simba xx
Ooooh, interesting. Will give it a try after this...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
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