Friday, September 7, 2007

Mamma asked me ...

If she could borrow my post today and
post something, so I said yes,
since she always lets me use her computer, I
thought it was only fair...

Hi Ladies~well I had to really convince my Sir Bacon,
to let me post just this once.
(his head has grown just a bit since we got that bacon tree,
and doggies are stalking him for it..hehe,
He thinks he is a rock star, and insists I call him
Sir Bacon at all times...sigh)

I just really wanted to tell every dog mom,
every woman
we have met here, that I am so grateful for your
friendships and for sharing your days
and your dogs, (and hamster)
with us. You enrich our lives!!
This is in honor of you ladies,
because you ARE the
walking examples of the below

~Imagine A Woman~

Imagine a woman who believes it is right
and good she is a woman.
A woman who honors her experience and tells her stories.

Who refuses to carry the sins of others
within her body and life.
Imagine a woman who believes she is good.
A woman who trusts and respects herself.
Who listens to her needs and desires and
meets them with tenderness and grace.
Imagine a woman who has acknowledged
the past's influence on the present.
A woman who has walked through her past.
Who has healed into the present

Imagine a woman who authors her own life.
A woman who exerts, initiates, and moves on her own behalf.
Who refuses to surrender except to her truest self
and to her wisest voice.
Imagine a woman who names her own gods.
A woman who imagines the divine in her image and likeness.
Who designs her own spirituality and allows it
to inform her daily life.
Imagine a woman in love with her own body.
A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is.

Who celebrates her body and its rhythms and
cycles as an exquisite resource.

Imagine a woman who honors the face of the
Goddess in her changing face.
A woman who celebrates the accumulation

of her years and her wisdom.
Who refuses to use her precious life energy
disguising the changes in her body and life.
Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women.
Who is reminded of the truth about
herself when she forgets.
~And dear friends~
Imagine yourself as this women
~A women who always stands strong in her Powers~

~A women who has courage to speak her truth~
~A women who has strength to face her fears~
~A women who knows her values of life~
~A women who walk her earth walk~

in the explandance
of her true God Reality
~ Imagine this women as you~

Our planet is in desperate need of women

who love themselves.
(AND their dogs)
Women who use their time, energy,
and resources to design life-affirming solutions
for the challenges confronting humankind.
Women who give birth to images of inclusion,
poems of truth, rituals of healing, experiences
of transformation, relationships of equality,
strategies of peace,
institutions of justice, and households of compassion."

Thank you for your lights and friendships
Oceans of Love
Hanne~Sir Bacon's Mom


Duke said...

Your mom is an awesome person!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Wooooooooooooooow! That's just beautiful! Beautiful artwork & beautiful poem...My mommy's not really a woman yet. She will be next year, hehe! She & I just love you & your mom!

Pee/s: From now on, I'll be calling you Sir Bacon since you insist.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

That is wonderful. Mummy says she needed that today. Thank you.

Simba and his Mummy xxxx

Goofy said...

Beautiful! That's beautiful! What word to say other than that?

Asta said...

Hi Hannae

Thank you for that tribute, the art is beautiful and inspiring as are the words. We women could make the worls a much better place if we all thought like that.
Thank you in turn for your friendship and your art which makes our days so much better.
Sir Bacon, thanks for letting you Mommi use your bloffie today, Asta sends you smoochie kisses
Asta's mommi Ami

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Thanks Hanne, that was a lovely post. J x

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Hanne...
that is beautiful! I was a little late in reading this, but your friendship is very important to me too! Thank you!!!

Love, Michele, Ruby's Mom