Yep it arrived last night~Father frosts blew his icy breath on our house and all about!
Those pictures are not very clear, cause mamma (still coughing and hacking like a whale donkey) insisted on taking them herself, with the macro lens, and when using that lens, you can't even have a breath of wind or movement, cause it gets all blurry, and she was not still cause she kept coughing.
And this is how we mostly spent the weekend, ofcourse I got to go to the Barkday Howl'Oween bash party in Salem.
See the Fish Night light I got?
Saturday was very rainy, and my big pappa ran me out into the woods early to get the walk out of the way.
Mamma stayed in bed all day and
night, while Big pappa cooked chicken soup and potato chips for everyone, and served them in bed.
Even I got a bully stick in bed~after I got back from
the Howl'O'Ween party in Salem~BOY was that a GOOD time!!!
Read all about it in
Asta's bloggie
tucked himself back into bed too, and watched the football on tv like this
Sir Chancelot
Hey Chance...
Oh I'm sorry everyone was feeling sickly!!! At least you still got to go to the pawty...thanks for the dance!!!
Even blurry, those pictures are way cool! Hugs to your Mom and Dad and tell them to get better soon!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Brr, frost, although it is very pretty.
Soory to hear your mamma is still poorly, get well soon!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hope your Servants get well fast so they can wait on you.
Sorry we missed your party. OUr Servant is a dolt.
wags and butt sniffs-
the whippet waggle
I hope your mom and dad feel better soon, Chance! Your frost pictures are wonderful! Today was a gorgeous New England autumn day!
Love ya lots,
That sure looks like a cozy weekend. I hope your Mom and Dad feel better soon.
I hope evewyone in youw house is feeling lots bettew..Mommi is twying a new medcin..hope it wowks
smoochiekisses and cwoss paws fow ouw fwiends
Astpee ess.those pictoowes awe fantastic..lots bettew than diamonds!
That frost looks like crystal. So pretty
~ Girl girl
Oh boy, must be really freezing there now! Snow is going to come soon...Wish Malaysia had snow but no, boohoo! I hope your mamma gets well soon. This cold weather is no good for her.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Brrrrrr that looks cold. Hope your Daddy is feeling better.
Simba xx
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