Thursday, October 4, 2007

Are you ready for more water drops...heheh. Oh come on is TIME, it after all HAS been a while. We have been good, but we can only go so long without getting down low* to the earth, and
seeing some of those spectacular hidden worlds.
So yesterday, it was unseasonably warm (stillis) and in my daily ball playing routine I c
ame across this little friend, who had suffered a similar fate to that of
Freddie the Leaf.
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I sniffed him for a long time, to see if maybe my breath would give him his breath back, but he remained un`fluttering, with a single water Drop desperately clinging on
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It always makes me think that one day I too, will be Freddie the Leaf, and I would want all my friends to remember me, to maybe even say..

"Oh that Sir Bacon~he was special in his own way, I will always remember him"

I would want to be remembered because I was a good dog, and maybe helped a few monarchs and dogs along my way...maybe even helped them be remembered in a special way.
SO I wrote this little picture story for my new friend the un`fluttering Monarch, who is still
displaying his brilliant colors, even after he has fluttered beyond the Veils of this world!
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~On the Monarch's Wings * Lived many things~

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`So now-beyond the veils, will you forget the monarch's tale `

Golden Tailwaggins from
Sir Chancelot


Asta said...

Siw Bacon
That was sooo bootiful,how sad to loose a gowgeous cweatuwe,but what booty he gave us,and thanks to you we stopped and thought and will nevew pass unthought make a big diffewence in many lives..Thank you my sweet fwiend!
many smoochie kisses

Nugget said...

Oh that was beautiful. You are one cleaver pup.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Those are really beautiful pictures. Pawsome job on the water drops. :)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

I love the lions in the water drop. Actually I love all of them, but thats my favorite.

Simba x

Goofy said...

wow... what could we say about these beautiful pictures?.. this is pawsome!!!!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, that's a bootiful drop on the butterfly's wing. Love it!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

What beautiful pictures! I love the stories you tell, Chance! You're so magical!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

wow...I'm barkless...those are bootiful!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby