Monday, October 15, 2007

I know its hard to know what to do

So I copied some of the wonderful tips from all the bloggers today giving tips on how to live greener,

and you can read all about it right here in our other blog.
please come back and vote
I added a vote box to the right --->top of the page
if you found the tips helpful
Click on below

Planet in Peril

Sir *WanttohelptheearthAlot*


Charlie said...

Great post, Chance! It reminds me of the Gore saying: "You know the truth, now DO something about it!"
- Charlie

Duke said...

Wonderful post, Chance!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I read the tips. They were very helpful! Sometimes my mommy would make me help her pick up rubbish & put it in the rubbish bag.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emily and Ike said...

Whoa - your blog is psychedelic, man.
I love it!

Asta said...

Sir Bacon
You'we post was not just bootiful ,but vewy helpful! Thank You!
My Daddi is developing a class for the spwing sememstew on Sustainability fow Fordham U.gwaduate school
Thanks again!
smoochie kisses

Emily and Ike said...

You are totally invited to my wedding - you can make arrangements with Aire Ruby.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chance.
Like Charlie said, we need to do something about it. I hope the humans learn something from your post!
Great tips!
Have a good night

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a great post. I read through the tips and they're very helpful

~ Girl girl