Check it out for your self
Oh Barkness what do I do now~ We can't have a cat running the Dogswithblogs...can we?
I am definitively worried
Just look at that arrogant look he has on his face....
Hm...THINK ...think..what to do
Ah maybe Ill just look like I don't care
and watch TV or something, totally ignore him...
Maybe even take a nap..
Hehe it worked, all of sudden it wasn't so interesting anymore, and he just went for a nap too
Phew that was close....Until next time, I think I saved the day
I hope everydog had a wonderful Tuesday.
Tailwags and Golden Hugs
Sir Chancelot
Oh no !!!!
Chance never ever let cat enter the DWB world!!! I did the same thing to my Milky girl and Im regreting now...she always want to blog nowadays!!! Next time, you better lock the laptop and swallow the key, so the kitty will never ever get to about the key? have to figure it yourself then....
For the blog snow ball fight, you just hit as many friends as you can, hit hit hit!!!
that was a VERY close call! I cant even imagine what would happen if we let cats in.
That was a close one! I'm glad DWB wasn't taken over by a kitty. I'm not sure what I think of the felines just yet...
Your pal,
Beware the evil kitty. They are out to get us.
Simba xx
Ooops! Can't view pictures but I hope this cat won't take over DWB. Will come back tomorrow to look at the pictures again.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
No! It's called Dogs with Blogs not Cats with Blogs! Just imagine what sort of a world it'd be with cats in charge! J x
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