Friday, October 26, 2007

we were wondering

Does anydog or any mamma click on the section

"Me and my mamma's special thoughts about life"

and the different entries
(it is right there under neat "about me")

in the side bar?

Do you like it?


Simba and Jazzi said...

Thats really pretty.

Simba xx

Asta said...

My Mommi and I wead evewything you wite cause we weally like it and think the images awe bootifula nd the wowds helpful..thank you!
smoochie kisses

Sir Chance-Lot said...

oooo that makes me very happy Asta!!!
You know Me and mamma just started writing alittle and matching some pictures and music to them a few months ago, and now there are over 4000 subscribers in 54 countries that read them every time we post..Yikes.
Many people and dogs have helped both me and mamma many times,to learn things and grow, and it feels good to help others back! Sort of like Noook becoming a doctor~he has a very good mamma and so he will give back to many many sick children and people that might be old, blind and hurt!!!


KT and Easton said...

Thank you for following our bloggy. We have pawed through much of your archived postings and decided to leave a comment here: on this posting on this date. Very special to us. We look forward to being your friend and follower. Sir Chance Lot is a very handsome male Golden. Lady's heart is thumping loudly. She does love the big Golden boys.

Peace and good health to you,

KT and Lady