Thursday, October 11, 2007


I have decided to go as

*Sir Goof~Alot*

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to Ambers Howl'O'Ween party.
I have very good news for everydog~

I have cought the Glim Leaper that scares
everychild and everydog,
so no more worries
(my pappa is the glim leaper..shh don't
tell him I told..he'll get all mad at me..heeheh)

Tailwags and Golden Love
Sir GoofAlot
Oh..This was a "find a costume" tag from Asta
and she said to tag 3 others..even
though she did not tag me
I tag...hmm


PreciOus said...

Hi Sir Goofalot!

You make me laugh! Can't wait to see you at the pawty. Halloween won't be so scawie after all with you around! *Muacks*


Asta said...

Hi Siw Goofalot
you and the glim weapew.suwe make me feel giggly and sfe at the same time!!! I love tiyw costoomes! excellent and so vewy holloweeny! hehehe..I can't wait fow the pawty!!! I missed you a lot! We went to see all the new stuff inyouw Mommi's stowe and will figuwe out some to buy's all wondewful!
Pleez tell youw Mom, I nevew could do the smilies,cause it keeps saying NOT fow APple..oh well.thank you anyway fow the help!
Lots of smoochie kisses

Harry said...

Gosh, I shall have to put my thinking cap on to decide on a good costume.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

Duke said...

How did you put your face in that costume Chance? You look awesome! What a great costume! HELP!!!!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said...

You as Goofy? Hehehehe, sooo cute! I'll be dressed up as a ghost but my mommy is yet to buy the material for it. She's sooo lazy! See you at the pawty Mr.Bacon!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer