Thursday, October 18, 2007

In The ~Mist~ of things...

We are returning to our regular broadcasting from a a few days of blogging about the
things we can do to help the earth~even though as most of you know, I for one
could blog about that till the dog comes back from the moon..barkbark...I AM very passionate
about all that, and hope everydog got something out of the posts, and that everydog can use some of the tips everyblogger wrote about!

When I woke up this morning and looked out the window, it was all foggy and misty, and a perfect morning to get out in the woods by our house. Mamma was so sleepy that I had to jump up on the bed and give her extra kisses to get her to get up...
~Sharing my morning walk with you~

Did you see the new "POLL" to the Right?
Tailwags and Golden Hugs
Oh and check out the newly added smilies in the cbox

Sir Chancelot


Duke said...

We had that same fog here! We went for a walkie in it! Wasn't it just awesome! Your pictures are just beautiful, Chance!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Sir Bacon
What a magical bootiful place you wake up weally make me welax and appweciate the booty all awound us..thank you!!!!
you awe such a lucky boy to have such a gweat family!
smoochie kisses
pee ess. awe youw lilies confoosed like Mommi about the seasons???

Emily and Ike said...

My mom thinks you are really handsome. Whatever. I really like your blog.

Kirby said...

What a beautiful walk. My walkie scenery is not nearly as lovlie as yours.

Your pal,

pee ess: Thank you for all the info re: the environment. Such an important thing to think about and act on.

Simba and Jazzi said...

It looks very foggy there. Just as well you're not white you could have got lost.

Simba xx

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! Sooooo foggy... Must cold ha? Love that picture of you. Those autumn leaves are sooo pweetty!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PreciOus said...

Hi dear Chance,

I just read your previous post on protecting our earth. I want to salute to you and your Momma for sincerely caring about this beautiful place we live in. *Salute*


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Great photos Chance! I love the one at the top with the colourful leaves. I just voted in your poll. I go for 2 walks a day come rain or shine (except when I'm ill, of course). Jx