Hello EveryDog~
This post is a "tag" post...I thought it would be fun to see pictures from everydogs towns or where they live,from where they walk to their favoristest pet stores. I will start.Oh and if you put your mouse over any picture in the slide show it will "pause it, so you can look at it longer, like anyone of them with me in it..heheh
You will see my walk~
my most favoristest petstore in the whole world, some friends I see almost everyday,the local pharmacy, to our favoristest barkery ( my petstore has its own barkery too...YUMMY)
Oh and here is the website for my petstore~If you fall in love with it like us, you can shop from them online too and get their great stuff. They are the nicests, friendliestest humans on the planet!!
You can slow down the slides, and make sure to hold your mouse over the pictures to see comments:O), some has comments and some doesn't
And now I tag EveryDog to share what they see in their Neighboorhoods!
All my Golden Hugs
Sir Chancelot
wow it sure is pretty there, we don't get changing leaves because we are in the desert. I will get mom to get some photos of our hood!
Your area is just so gorgeous, Chance! The autumn leave are splendid with the fog! How beautiful!
Love ya lots,
Hi Chance,
Your petstore has it's own bakery? Noooo waaay... you gotto tell me how I can get one just like it in my neihbourhood!!
Nice photos! That's a fun tag. As I am just getting to know my neighbourhood, it will be fun to explore and take some photos.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Woooow! Your fur is really shining! You get to see alot of cools stuff & shops during your walks. Well, all I can see it road, houses & cars.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Sir-Chance-Lot,
I'm Sophie Brador and I would love to come and live in your neighourhood and eat cookies at your bakery.
Oh interesting tag to see everydog's neighbourhood.
The leaves color are not so nice in SingaPAW
~ Girl girl
What a great tag. I'll have to get Mummy working on that one.
Simba xxx
Sir Bacon
I'm so sowwy I nevew saw this tag..I love youw pictoowes and I'd love to show my naighbowhood too, but Mommi's been sick,so I don't get to go take photogwaphs..can I do it latew??
smoochie kisses
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