AND I think the moon got possessed, cause look at the weird things that happened to the pictures, like that one right after Gimini Cricket
(our little Jack Russel)
died in february...remember everydog??
Okay so last night Mamma and I saw this amazing full moon, and ran outside with our camera, turned the flash off and took some pictures. This is the first one I took, cause mamma let me borrow her camera for once.
Then I took this one
AND theN I finally took this one, and this is going to sound ghoulishly
Howl'O'Weenish, The Camera acted very weird, when I was trying
to get my paws to click on it, and we thought it
never took the pictures and it was broken till we
got back inside, and looked at the memory card.
(that is the thingy that stores the images)
SCARY isn't it????
..and then look at this one of me
I look like ME is possessed...Bark!!!
and bark this picture out...
It looks like our neighbor's house across the street is on fire and some weird alien light is shining on their house. We do not have street lamps here on our street...YIKES.
So Now I am a little worried about going outside on our lawn, cause maybe there are aliens watching us...and maybe they'll be in SALEM tomorrow night for the party!!!?
OH and here is my two costumes I am wearing
Im wearing this one on the plane and half way through the party
and then I am changing to this one for the rest of the party and for the plane back home
~Sir GoofAlot~
Oh my gosh, Chance! I'm glad the pawty isn't at your house! I'd be too afraid to come!
Those are very strange pictures!
Love ya lots,
WowThose awe amazing and supew spooky!! Maybe I'm to scawed to go to the pawty you think it's weally aliens ow just youw doggie twying to commoonicate.that would be cool
smoochie kisses
I don't think it is Gimini Cricket, maybe it is Oscar...? Or maybe it REALLY is aliens, or some other dimensional thingy..and why does this only happens to OUR cameras, thats what I want to know...and that strange light across the street ..the moon wasn't over there, and see those Ghostly white* lines in one of the pictures~and then my mamma was howling like a wolfDonkey with her the same time, as all this was going down,,,GOOD times....Yikesbark!
Maybe it will try to sneak onto AirRuby tomorrow when she comes to pick me up...
Wooah, very spooky. I'm glad I didn't see anything like that. I sooo would not have gone out if I saw the moon looking like that. Super cool that you got the pictures though!
Your pal,
Scarieeeee! It's a good thing you're brave!!
- Charlie
Its one for the x files I think. Very spooky.
Simba xx
Hey Chance, I agree with Maggie; I'm glad the pawty isn't at your house! Love your costumes! J x
wow they sure are really interesting and spooky pictures of the moon - be careful when you are out late at night !
Love your costumes
Oh man, that is freakish! Never seen anything like that in my life before...And you did look possessed in that picture. What happened to you? I hope you will not be freaked out at the pawty tonight coz it sure is going to be scary especially when I appear in my Wicked Witch costume with those shiny red claws on.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Argh Chance!
You've got me all scared and I can't stop trembling under my skin now! Spooky, eerie, scawie!
woah what a super scary thing that happened, I'd never touch that camera again if I were yoU!
Those are scary pictures!!!
Woh the first few pictures look really scary. But I think you look cute in your costumes
~ Girl girl
this is really scary!!! whats that?? whats that?? I do not wish to see that scary light!!!
Oh by the way, you really look like Goofy!! I have to look again then realise thats you. GOod one Goofy...Opss...Chance.
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